The Pakistani army violated the ceasefire for a second day in a row. On Tuesday, the Pakistani army started mortar shelling and firing automatic weapons near the LoC in Rajouri of Jammu and Kashmir. This prompted the Indian army to respons. The Pakistani army hit the Indian side with 82 mm mortar shells in an ‘unprovoked’ attack for the second consecutive day.

A defence spokesperson said, “There was unprovoked ceasefire violation by Pakistan Army in Rajouri today, using 82 mm mortars, automatic weapons.” He also added that there were no casualties on the Indian side and that India gave a fitting reply to the Pakistani firing. On Monday, the Pakistan army had started firing near the LoC in the Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Antonio Guterreshas, secretary general and a spokesperson of UN had said that the UN observers in India are still examining the allegations of the ceasefire. When asked about the situation in the State, he said, “We’ve seen the alleged ceasefire violations over the Line of Control, which is currently being investigated by the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (Unmogip,) in the Pakistani-administered side of the LoC at Domel, Kotli, and Bhimber, where the security situation has, indeed, been tense.” He also added,”We continue to underline the need for the parties to find a peaceful solution through engagement and dialogue.”

The Pakistan government is yet to respond about the constant ceasefire violations by their army.