On the 2nd of April, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is going to conduct a meeting over India-Pakistan relations. The meeting is scheduled two days after Imran Khan recovered from the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 illness.   

Imran Khan would chair the meeting, which would preside over an important issue. Several Pakistani cabinet ministers and leaders would attend the meeting and discuss the relations with India.

Speaking about the meeting, a Pakistani journalist took to his Twitter and said, “Imran Khan will preside over an important meeting on Pak-India relations tomorrow. The meeting will be attended by the Ministers of Interior, Foreign Affairs, Planning and Human Rights. The meeting will decide the level of relations with India.” In another tweet, the journalist said, “The high-level meeting will also discuss the matter of constituting a subcommittee on the same issues and whether Pakistan has to start trade or not.”

According to the sources, the discussion would also include trade with India and other relationship issues. Meanwhile, it is to be noted the meeting was organised a day after the Pakistan’s Federal Cabinet back tracked on the Economic Coordination Committee’s decision to allow the import of sugar, cotton and cotton yarn from India through land and sea routes.

The decision by Pakistan’s economic body to allow the import of cotton and yarn from India could improve ties between New Delhi and Islamabad.

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