On the 24th of September, the Pakistan Government responded to the statement of Bipin Rawat, the Chief of Indian Army regarding the reactivation of camps at Balakot, Pakistan.

The Pakistan Government said the remarks by the General is ‘baseless.’   Mohammad Faisal, the Spokesperson of the Foriegn Office of Pakistan Government said, “Indian statements and measures are a threat to regional peace and stability.  India will not succeed in misleading the international community by using these negative tactics.” 

On the 23rd of September, General Bipin Rawat said the Jaish e Mohammed (JeM) terror group   reactivated the training camps at Line of Control (LoC,) Balakot. 

On the 26th of February, the Indian Air Force (IAF) conducted an airstrike and destroyed approximately 300 terrorist camps.

The 26th February airstrike of the IAF was ordered by the Indian Government in the wake of the Pulwama terror attack, which killed 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officers.   

The JeM claimed responsibility for the Pulwama Terror attack which took place on the 14th of February.

However, Pakistan Government denied the claims made by India and said India is trying to mislead people and distract them from the current issue in Jammu and Kashmir.

The relations between India and Pakistan worsened after the Government of India scrapped Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.

After the revocation of Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir can no longer enjoy the special status and will be a part of India under the Indian Government.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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