Pakistan in the early hours of Friday claimed that India is building a ‘Secret Nuclear City.’ In a reply to this, the Ministry of External Affairs denied these rumors and claimed that these were baseless.Vikas Swarup, the spokesperson for MEA said, “This aims to deflect attention from the real issue of terrorism.” He added, “It is high time Pakistan gets the diagnosis of the problem right. It should not remain in denial on the impact of cross border terrorism on the bilateral relationship. Both the problem and its solution are within Pakistan’s reach,”

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Vikas Swarup.

In a statement, Pakistan said that India has accumulated nuclear weapons which would disrupt the balance in the Asian region. Nafees Zakaria, the Pakistani Foreign Office Spokesperson speaking about ‘India Defence Buildup’ said, “India is building a secret nuclear city…It has accumulated a stockpile of nuclear weapons which threatens to undermine the strategic balance of power in the region.”

He also alleged that India conducted several inter continental missile tests that are bound to disturb the strategic balance in the region. He also suggested that India is accumulating more powerful weapons because Pakistan’s strategy to isolate India had failed. Zakaria also said that India should respond to the peace offers that Pakistan has been making.

Nafees Zakaria, the spokesman of Pakistan Foreign Ministry.

The Pakistan also accused India of having a hostile attitude towards their peaceful approach and building up a nuclear city in attempts of attacking the country. Nafees Zakaria also blamed India for providing funds to the militants across the border and violated ceasefire agreement at LoC with the pretext of attacking militants. He added, “Indian belligerence continues to pose threat to the peace in the region, which the international community should take note of.”

The Ministry of External Affairs of India declined all these claims and said that India was only responding to the attacks and violated no agreements.