In Jammu and Kashmir’s Naushera region, the security forces shot at an intruder, on the 21st of August, Sunday.

According to the security forces, the intruder, Tabarak Hussain is the son of Mistri Malik resident of Sabzakote, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.  Furthermore, the developments came a day after the Jammu and Kashmir Police with the security forces arrested two members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT,) a terror outfit.

Meanwhile, as per Mr. Mohammed Aslam, the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Rajouri, the intruder was shot near the Line of Control (LoC) and received injuries.  Currently, the intruder is being treated at the Army Hospital Rajouri.

On the other hand, after an initial investigation, it was revealed that the Pakistan based intruder Tabarak Hussain tried entering India for a second time.  In his first attempt (2016,) Tabrak was captured by the security forces and was detained for 26 months in India.

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