Novel Coronavirus infected as many as 7,117 people in China.  Now, one case of Novel Coronavirus was reported in India’s Kerala.

A student, who was studying in Wuhan and travelled back to India, after several tests, was reported to be affected by the virus.  The news was confirmed by the Health Ministry of Kerala on the 30th of January.

The patient was tested positive for Novel Coronavirus and is being kept under complete isolation at a hospital in Kerala.

A senior official of the Health Ministry of Kerala said the patient is stable and is under observation of the hospital authorities.

On the 30th of January, the Health Ministry released a statement and advised people who travelled from China to India in the past 15 days to remain in isolation..  Isolation includes measures like sleeping in a separate room, negligible contact with others, including family members and keeping a distance from people who have cough and cold.

So far, 900 people are under observation as they travelled from China to India after the 23rd of January.  China, on the other hand, is trying to fight the virus, which has no cure as of yet.

Meanwhile, the Indian Government is also trying to evacuate 250 Indians who are still in China.

The deadly virus killed 170 people so far in China and its 17 cities, including Wuhan.  Coronavirus also spread to 16 other countries, including India.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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