Hyderabad: A South African national woman of 32-year-old, who claimed to be “seven month pregnant”, was arrested for trying smuggle in narcotic substance concealed in her belly and urogenital tract at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad on Sunday morning.
Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) detectives suspected the lady after having a glimpse at her passport and travel pattern over the last one week. On subjecting her to medical examination, the sleuth discovered that she had swallowed the banned drugs which were packed in small polymer packets.

2kg of cocaine hidden under a latex belly

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Soon after this Mosiea Moosa, a south African national (passport number P-A04856058), was taken to Osmania Hospital by the NCB detectives to get the packets of drugs out of her body.
The NCB sleuths intercepted Mosiea at the RGI Airport after she arrived from Dubai by Emirates flight EK-526 on Sunday morning. “When we intercepted her, Mosiea said she was walking with difficulty as she was seven-month pregnant. When we shifted her to a corporate hospital at the airport for preliminary examination, she admitted that she was carrying narcotics in her stomach,” a NCB officer said.
Osmania Hospital staff managed to extract 16 pouches of narcotics substance. The NCB officials confirmed that no surgery was performed on the woman and she was under medical supervision.

“We have not yet conducted checks on the narcotics recovered from the culprit. However, by looking at her travel pattern and the narcotics market, we suspect that the substance could be cocaine from Brazil,” a NCB official added.

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