No More Reservations For Private Medical Colleges: Yogi Adityanath

India and reservations in education system go hand in hand. Every educational institution and even some workplaces have reservations for SC, ST and BC categories. Going against this norm, the Uttar Pradesh CM Adityanath Yogi announced on Thursday that he would end caste based reservations in private medical colleges in the State.

In a state made up of caste and caste politics dominance, this move came as a huge surprise as it makes and breaks a government. The Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samajwadi party have maintained their regime on the basis of caste. This was broken when the Modi government came into power.

The Anti Romeo squads have been in the lime light over the last few days for all the wrong reasons. But this move of removing reservations is expected to eclipse the negative propaganda going around. It is a brave step as it is the first time any state has issued admissions based purely on merit. This move is bound to surprise those Anti-Modi supporters who expected the UP government to stumble after Adityanath’s appointment as the CM.

The Government said also made English mandatory from nursery and also a foreign language from class six. They said that “ …this traditional and modern blend. We should have (an) education system that promotes nationalism but is also modern.”

This move, while commendable, It should hopefully, be applied throughout the Nation and include government institutions too.