In a major drawback for the Rapido and two wheeler bikes like Ola and Uber, the Supreme Court (SC) asked to stop running it on streets of Delhi.

On the 12th of June, Monday, the Apex Court bench said, until the Delhi Government forms a policy for two wheelers, Rapidos, Uber and Ola bikes cannot operate on streets.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Government led by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)  has said that they would come up with a policy on plying of two-wheeler non-transport vehicles by the 30th of June.

The hearing came after a recent public notice issued earlier this year, by the Central Government regarding the two wheelers taxis on streets.  After the issued notice, the two wheelers and Rapidos are ban on the streets of Mumbai and Delhi.
Furthermore, to oppose the same, Rapido filed a plea in the Supreme Court, which directed the State Government to come up with specific guidelines for the two wheeler taxis, under the Motor Vehicle Act.

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