A few days ahead of the  execution of the death sentence, Vinay Sharma, one of the convicts in the 2012 Nirbhaya gang rape and murder case, tried to hurt himself in Tihar jail, Delhi.

Vinay Sharma banged his head against a wall.  The incident took place on the 16th of February, after the Supreme Court and the President of India Ram Nath Kovind, rejected his curative petition and mercy plea, respectively.   Though the incident took place on the 16th of February, it came to light on the 20th of February.

The officials of the Tihar Jail said, “One of the death row convicts of 2012 Delhi gang rape case, Vinay, had attempted to hurt himself by banging his head against a wall in his cell, on February 16.  He had received minor injuries.” 

On the 17th of February, the Patiala House Court of Delhi, issued death warrants for all the four convicts, Mukesh Singh, Akshay Kumar, Vinay Sharma and Pawan Gupta.

While the three convicts, Mukesh Singh, Vinay Sharma and Akshay Kumar used all their legal appeals to escape the death sentence, Pawan Gupta is yet to file curative petition and mercy plea.

Vinay Sharma suffered minor injuries and is said to be stable.  However, the lawyer for Vinay Sharma claimed his health condition to be unfavourable for the death sentence to be continued and said Vinay Sharma is mentally ill and suffering severe health issues.   The SC and the Delhi HC rejected all the petitions filed against the death sentence and announced a fresh death warrants for the third time. Initially, two death warrants, on the 31st of January and the 1st of February, were cancelled due to the legal appeals process of the convicts.

All the four convicts are to be hung to death on the 3rd March at 6:00 A.M., at cell number 3 of Tihar Jail, Delhi.

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