Puneeta, the wife of Akshay Singh, one of the rapists and murderers in the 2012 Nirbhaya gang rape case, filed for divorce.

On the 17th of March, Puneeta approached the Chief Judicial Magistrate of the Aurangabad family court and asked for separation from her husband.

In her application seeking a divorce, Ms. Puneeta said, though she is convinced of her husband’s innocence, she does not want to spend her life as Akshay Singh’s widow.   The divorce file came 2 days ahead of the convicts’ death sentence.

M.K. Singh, Puneeta’s lawyer, filed the divorce case on her behalf and said under section 13(2)(II) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, a wife could take a divorce if the husband is convicted of heinous offences including rape.

On the 16th of December 2012, six men identified as Mukesh Singh, Pawan Gupta,  Vinay Sharma, Jai Singh, Sonu and Akshay Singh gang raped a 23 year old medical student in a moving bus. 

However, in 2013, Jai Singh committed suicide and Sonu who was a minor during the crime was released after 3 years of juvenile remand.   

Now, in 2020, the four remaining convicts, Mukesh, Pawan, Vinay and Akshay were given death sentences for the crime.  

Jallad Pawan from Uttar Pradesh (U.P.,) Police Department would be the hangman for the death execution.   All the four convicts would be hanged at 5:30 A.M., on the 20th of March.


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