The National Investigative Agency (NIA) demanded an NIA investigation into the Kerala Arson Train Incident.   In a letter written to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA,) dated the 11th of April, Tuesday, the NIA sought the case from the Kerala Police, suspecting a terror angle into the matter.

Notably, on the 2nd of April, around 9:45 P.M., when the Alappuzha-Kannur Executive Express train reached the Korapuzha railway bridge after crossing Kozhikode city, a man named Shahrukh Saifi (30) poured an inflammable liquid on a co passenger and set him on a fire resulting in burn injuries to at least eight persons and killed three people.

The man escaped soon after the incident, while the injured were shifted to hospitals after passengers pulled the emergency chain.  Later, the accused was arrested from Ratnagiri station in Maharashtra.  

As of now, Shahrukh Saifi was remanded with the Kerala Police and an investigation is underway.

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