Amid a decline in the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in India, a new sub variant of Omicron (a variant of COVID-19) was detected in India.

On the 17th of October, Monday,  the Gujarat Biotechnology Research centre confirmed BF.7, a sub variant of deadly Omicron detected in India.  The centre confirmed this new variant to be highly infectious with great transmissibility. 

In addition, the new sub variant of Omicron was first discovered in Mongolia, China and now is said to be spreading in other parts of the world, including India.  In addition, China, which had zero COVID-19 cases earlier, after strict lockdown rules, once again started witnessing a rise in new cases.

The new variant was reported at a time when India is in a festive mood, with the celebration of Diwali next week.  Although the active Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) cases are under check with  26, 834 cases in India with a recovery rate of 98.87%, the Union Health Ministry advised people to stay cautious.  In the latest issued advisory, the Central Government asked the citizens to follow COVID-19 appropriate behaviour.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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