Netizens took to different social media platforms and demanded justice for two students of Amity University, Noida, Madhav Chaudhary and Harsh Yadav.

Harsh and Madhav, students of B.A. Political Science at Amity University, were allegedly beaten by a group of students over a parking dispute.

The incident took place on the 28th of August, however, the matter came to light after a video of the attack went viral on the internet.

The dispute started over a parking spot.  Harsh, one of the victims, said, “It was around 2.30pm. I was in my i20 car and was looking to park it while a girl in her Ford Endeavour came that way. She parked her SUV in the middle of the road and when I asked her to move, she started arguing with me. I parked my vehicle elsewhere and then when I confronted her again, she started abusing and threatening me after which the argument escalated.”

According to Harsh, both Madhav and he parked Harsh’s vehicle outside the premises after the girl argued with them and left to attend a class.  Later, 20-25 male friends of the girl went to Harsh’s and Madhav’s class and assaulted the two, leaving them seriously injured.

Neeraj Singh, the Station House Officer of Sector 39, said, “A case will be registered once the complaint is received and we will take necessary legal action against the suspects who have been identified.”

On the other hand, a spokesperson of the Amity University said, “We found out about the incident from different sources. However, a proctorial committee will be formed and the matter will be investigated thoroughly.”

As of now, Harsh and Madhav are admitted at a private hospital and are said to be in serious condition.

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