The recent findings of a mysterious tunnel from Delhi Red Fort, connecting Delhi Assembly created a ruckus amongst historians.

On this matter, historians said, the new secret tunnel would be investigated, following which a historic significance would be established.

Many experts also suggested the tunnel to be a secret execution room, which is said to be of British era. They claimed the execution room and site to be used for bringing revolutionaries and freedom fighters by the British Government.

A senior Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) official, who wished to be anonymous, said, “So, the structures beneath need to be seen archaeologically, first. And, even if there are obstructions due to metro and flyover pillars, technology is there to investigate to test the theory. Without investigation, it would not be wise to make comments. (sic.)”

Another ASI official said no communication has been received by the Archaeological Survey of India from the Delhi Assembly authorities on carrying out archaeological examination of the tunnel. Designed by architect E. Montague Thomas, the current assembly building initially served as the Secretariat of the imperial Government while the New Delhi capital was being built. The official said, “Another possibility is that this was a ‘tahkhana’ (a cellar) for storage or hiding, given the British had grown wary of the native population after the 1857 Mutiny. So, a safe passage or hideout may have been built beneath the building.”

The officer further said, “The British documented everything meticulously and if there was such an arrangement, some archival record or map must have shown it. Also, logically, there seems no reason as to why would they build such a long underground passageway.”

All the historic theories and other establishments of Delhi and its infrastructure including the Delhi Assembly have no mention of this secret tunnel. The 6km long tunnel has now become an important fact for the historians for the investigation, to figure out the importance of the recently discovered tunnel. After the complete investigation, it is expected to be open for public. However, a final call regarding the same would be taken by the Government of India.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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