A group of Muslims, on the 27th of December, gave a demand draft of Rs. 6,27,507 for the damages caused to property during the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act [CAA,] 2019 in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.)

The amount was given for the damages during the protest which took place on the 20th of December.

According to sources, on the 27th of December, after offering namaz, a group of Muslims met Ravindra Kumar, the District Magistrate of Bulandshahr and Santosh Kumar Singh, the Superintendent of Police (SP.)

The group  said the money was collected from the community as  the members agreed to deposit money for the damages done during the protests, the Muslims expressed grief over the violence.  T They also said they are peaceful people and do not promote any kind of violence.

Ravindra Kumar, said, “It was good that the matter was disposed of peacefully instead of initiating government procedure for recovery.”

According to the  Muslim group, they formed a committee to collect the amount as they prefer to hand over the same before they receive any legal notice demanding recovery.

Similar to this, a legal notice was issued to 12 people in Meerut after Nagar Nigam officials complained of damage caused during the protests, demanding a recovery amount from those responsible.

Another such incident took place in Western U.P., where violence during a protest led to property damage.  The authorities in western U.P., took similar action and issued a legal notice for recovery.

The CAA promises citizenship to the refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh residing in India since or before the 31st of December.

Refugees who are Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Buddhists, Jains and Christians and are being persecuted in the aforementioned 3 countries due to being minorities, would be given Indian citizenship.

While the Central Government assured the Act would help minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, the  protestors in India claim the Act is anti Muslim and a violation of the Indian Constitution.

Protests against the Act are underway in U.P., Madhya Pradesh (M.P.,) West Bengal (W.B.,) Hyderabad and Delhi.  Though Assam is also protesting against the CAA, their reason is different from the others . The Assamese are protesting against the Act because they believe the implementation of the CAA would threaten their tradition, identity and culture in Assam and would violate the treaty signed between the Assamese students’ bodies and Central Government in 1985.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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