Over 3000 copies of Bhagavad Gita along with other books turned into ashes after a library run by a 62-year-old Muslim man was set on fire by miscreants on Friday in Mysuru, Karnataka.

According to a report published in New Indian Express, the library had over 11 thousand books. Out of them, 85 percent were in Kannada. Several of them were in English and Urdu too.

After the incident, the man, Syed Isaaq approached the Udayagiri police station and lodged a complaint. Based on his complaint, police registered a case under relevant sections of IPC.

As per the report, Isaaq, who was deprived of education, works as an Under Ground Drainage (UGD) cleaner to earn a livelihood. He had set up the library in a shed-like structure inside a corporation park in Rajiv Nagar 10 years ago so that residents of the region can access the books for free.

Although the books were received from donors, he used to spend money for purchasing over 17 newspapers and maintaining the library.

Everything was going fine until Friday morning when Isaaq received the information that his library was set ablaze. When he reached the spot, he found that all the books of the library have turned into ashes.

After the incident, Isaaq said that he will rebuild the library again.

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