The release of the Swachhta-MoUD app is already a success. The app allows citizens to place complaints related to sanitation related issues.

During the past 10 months that the app has been available to the public, 11 lakh complaints have been lodged. The complaints include delay in arrival of garbage vehicles, delay in clearing bins and delay in removal of dead animals. From all the complaints 85% of the issues have already been resolved.

Three cities in Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Gwalior and Ratlam have successfully managed to resolve the sanitation issues immediately. Among the 1,784 civic bodies that have been linked to the app, Delhi is ranked below 100 while Mumbai is ranked 39 and Navi Mumbai is ranked 44. Chennai stands at the rank of 66 on the list.

An Urban Development Ministry official reported, “This dynamic ranking of cities happens on daily basis based on the responsiveness of agencies, citizens feedback and user engagement. The time frame of resolving grievances has been fixed for each type of complaint. Each civic agency is aware about the service level agreements.”

Around 40% of the issues reported on the app are related to delay in clearing garbage bins, while another 40% is related to areas not being swept. Removal of dead animals is also one of the major issues and once the complaint is placed it needs to be resolved in 12 hours.

The app functions efficiently, each time a complaint is issued, it first goes to the central server. After which, the issue is sent to the concerned civic body for action. Each step of the complaint is recorded and if the issue is not solved in the given period then it is sent to a higher level for immediate action.

An official was quoted saying, “Once the complaint is resolved, the agency concerned puts an updated photograph for proof. If the complainant is still not satisfied, he can reopen the complaint. We, state agencies and even Janagraha (an NGO) do review the progress from time to time.”

The app can be downloading from the google play store, if you’re area is not clean and requires immediate reaction use the app for efficient action.