Kozhikode: One among the missing youngsters form Kerala has sent a message to his family about him joining ISIS. The 23-year-old Mohammad Marwan is one of the 15 youth who went missing.
As per the reports, the message from the youngster read “people may call me a terrorist. If fighting in the path of Allah is terrorism, yes I am a terrorist.” Moreover, he has said he would return once his work with Islamic State, dreaded terror outfit, is over.
Missing Mohammad Marwan From Kerala Texted 'Yes I Am A terrorist'
The message read few quotes from Quran:
“Allah will ask what I was doing when the community was being persecuted”. Didn’t the Prophet taught (sic) us that the entire ummah is like one body? It is my religious duty to fight for the protection of the community.”
“Allah will ask what I was doing when the community was being persecuted,” he added.
Mohammad Marwan is among 15 youths from Kerala who are suspected to have joined ISIS. The message was sent via the Telegram app in the last week of June. “Here, Muslims, including little children, are killed in the bomb attack by the US and Russian forces,” Marwan wrote. “How can I sit comfortably at home when the Muslims are is attacked,” Marwan added in the text message.

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