On the 30th of May, the Central Government extended the nationwide lockdown till the 30th of June.

The decision was taken after discussing with the chief ministers of different states, chief secretaries and considering the situation due to the pandemic crisis in India.

As per the issued orders, the lockdown 5.0., would begin from the 1st of June, a day after the lockdown 4.0., is proposed to end and would continue till the 30th of June.

However, the 5th lockdown is applicable to the containment zones for the spread of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 in the Indian states.

While the containment zones would follow strict lockdown guidelines, other Green, Orange and Red Zones would see partial openings of hospitality services, restaurants and shopping malls.

The opening would take place in a phased manner.  In Phase 1, religious places, hotels, restaurants, other hospitality services and shopping malls would be open from the 8th of June.  In the second phase, schools, colleges and other educational institute would open, which is expected to be in the end of the June or first week of July.

The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the above mentioned opening would be announced before the 8th of June.

Considering the issued guidelines of the MHA, majority of activities are allowed in the State. Inter  state and intra state movement is also opened and transportation services are also back on track with social distancing norms.

Only, international travel, Metro Rail, cinema halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars and auditoriums would remain close.  In addition, any kind of assembly halls, social, political, sporting activities, cultural, and religious functions and other large congregations will remain out of action.  These would be open in the third phase and dates for the same is yet to be decided.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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