On Friday, legendary athlete Milkha Singh was appointed the WHO goodwill ambassador. The World Health Organisation confirmed Milkha Singh’s appointment for physical activity in the South East Asia Region (SEAR.)

WHO Regional Director for South East Asia, Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh said, “Promoting physical activity for health is an important intervention, which is expected to get a significant boost in the region with the support of octogenarian Milkha Singh, a champion for the cause.”

She further added, “Whatever the age group, gender, physical ability, or socioeconomic background, being physically active is an effective way to ensure a healthy and productive life. With the support of Milkha Singh, we expect to promote and scale up physical activity in the region to be able to arrest and reverse the noncommunicable diseases (NCD) epidemic.”

Milkha Singh as the goodwill ambassador will be given the task to promote WHO SEAR’s noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) prevention. He will also be tasked with the control action plan. It aims at reducing the level of insufficient physical activity by 10% and NCDs by 25% by the year 2025.

Dr. Poonam Singh also explained 33% of adults, 70% of boys and 80% of girls in SEAR have insufficient physical activity.

She went on to point out that every year nearly 8.5 million people lose their lives due to NCDs in WHO South East Asia region.

WHO has recommended that the best way to avoid NCD is to incorporate 60 minutes of physical activity for children and 150 minutes for adults.