The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Yogi Adityanath announced a complete ban on the sale of liquor and meat in Mathura. The decision was taken after the reviews and opinion of public representatives and saints in the City of Lord Krishna.

According to sources, on the 30th of August, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader imposed a strict ban on the sale of meat and liquor. He said, “Saints and public representatives are of the view that liquor and meat shouldn’t be consumed here.” In addition, Mr. Yogi Adityanath said, the concerned administration of the ruling Government would be organising counselling and training those engaged in such activities so that they can shift to a different trade.

The announcement was made on the auspicious day of Krishna Janmashtami. During a Krishnotsav 2021 program, the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister said, “We are looking at a blend of modern technology and cultural and spiritual heritage for the development of the region.”

Mr. Yogi Adityanath said, with this crucial decision, the BJP Government could bring back the glory of Mathura, being the top producer of milk in India. He also suggested meat and liquor traders to shift to selling milk and changing their business.

With this, Mathura, Vrindavan and Barsana are regions where meat and alcohol is completely banned. In 2017, the Uttar Pradesh Government banned meat and alcohol in Vrindavan and Barsana, making it a pilgrimage region of Uttar Pradesh.

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