A day after President Ram Nath Kovind gave his assent to the Triple Talaq Bill, 2019 and made it an act in India, a case was registered under the Act, in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.

On the 1st of August, a man allegedly gave divorce by repeating ‘talaq’ 3 times in the middle of a road.

The incident happened on the 1st of August, when his wife refused to give him a dowry amount of Rs. 1 lakh.  The man was identified as Ikram and his wife, Jumirat. 

According to the Mathura Police, there is already a mediation process going on in a women’s police station, Mathura.  Both the parties come to the Police Station for counselling to settle their dispute over dowry.

On the 1st of August, both the parties came for the mediation process, when the mother of Jumirat, said Ikram demanded Rs. 1 lakh to continue the marriage and when they refused, he gave her triple talaq.

The Mathura Police registered a case under Section 4 of the Triple Talaq Act, officially known as the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019.

Shalabh Mathur, the Senior Superintendent of Police (SP) of Mathura, is investigating the case, based on the complaint registered by the victim’s mother.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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