Former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh wrote a letter to President Ram Nath Kovind. The former PM stated the present PM Narendra Modi needs to cautioned because of his intimidating language.  

Mr. Singh wrote, “It is unthinkable that in our democratic polity, the Prime Minister a shed of the government would utter words which are threatening, intimidating in content and a public warning to the leaders of members of the main opposition party, the Congress.”

The letter refers to PM Modi’s speech in Karnataka on the 6th of May. PM Modi was quoted saying, “Congress leaders, please listen carefully, if you cross your limits, then this is Modi. You will pay.(sic)”

The letter signed by a few other Congress leaders said the PM should not use a menacing tone even while campaigning. It portrays the side of power and privilege the PM has and can use to settle a political score.  

Calling it unacceptable conduct, the Congress leaders in the letter said, “The threat held out by the Prime Minister to the Congress leadership deserves to be condemned.”

The letter further read, “We would like to state that neither the party nor our leaders will be cowed down by such threats.”

The letter comes a day before the results of the Karnataka Elections are announced. Last week, Manmohan Singh accused the PM of stooping low and using his office to target the Congress. Singh said, “No prime minister in our country has used the office of Prime Minister to say things about his opponent the way Mr. Modi has been doing day in and day out… It is very shocking to see the Prime Minister of the country stoop so low and use language and frame ideologies that are unbecoming of a Prime Minister.”

The voting for the Karnataka Assembly Elections was held on Saturday for a total of 222 seats. This election will decide the ruling party in the State and further influence the 2019 General Elections.

This is a single phase polling for 222 constituencies out of which 36 are reserved for the Scheduled Castes (SC) and 15 for the Scheduled Tribes (ST.) There are a total of 4.97 crore voters including 2.45 crore women and 2.52 crore men. Reports show a total of 15,42,000 new voters aged 18 who are likely to cast their first vote.