Amit Shah, the President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP,) will hold two party meetings, on the 25th of February, in Hisar, Haryana.

Mr. Shah is scheduled to meet the ministers of the 10 Lok Sabha constituencies in the State and discuss strategies for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

In another meeting, Shah will hold talks with the Party leaders of Sirsa, Hisar and Rohtak to draft a winning strategy, as in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP lost in these three constituencies.

The strong competitors against the BJP in Sirsa, Hisar and Rohtak are said to be the Indian National Congress (INC) and the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD.)

The Party workers in Haryana welcomed Shah and put up BJP logo banners, hoardings and billboards across the City.

Narender Singh, the Deputy Superintendent of Police (Law and Order) of Hisar, confirmed, heavy security is in place for the safety of Amit Shah.

Around 1:00 P.M., Mr. Shah will also attend the ‘Shakti Kendra Pramukh Sammelan’ at Maharaja Agrasen Bhawan in Hisar.