Today, the Aam Aadmi Party declared the nominations for the Rajya Sabha seats. Sanjay Singh, Sushil Gupta and N. D. Gupta were selected as the nominees to occupy the Rajya Sabha seats. AAP Leader Kumar Vishwas did not handle the news well and claimed this was his punishment for speaking the truth.

The nominees were announced after a meeting of the Political Affair Committee (PAC,) AAP’s highest decision making body. The meeting was called by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

Deputy CM and PAC member Manish Sisodia said, “After deliberations over eight names in the PAC, we have decided to nominate party leader Sanjay Singh, former President of ICAI, Narain Dass Gupta and social worker, Sushil Gupta for Rajya Sabha.” He further explained among the nine members of PAC, eight agreed on all three nominees while one member agreed only on two of the candidates.

AAP Leader Kumar Vishwas was expecting a Rajya Sabha nomination and immediately attacked Kejriwal after the announcement. Vishwas also claimed it was difficult to survive in AAP if one disagreed with Kejriwal.

Vishwas was quoted saying, “For the last one and a half years, be it the PAC (Political Affairs Committee) or my elder brother Arvind Kejriwal’s decision on issues like surgical strike, taking a soft stand on terrorists, his silence on ticket distribution and JNU… whatever truth I spoke, I have been punished today.” He further added, “I think that it is a moral victory of a true revolutionary, poet and friend.”

Kumar Vishwas continued to lash out at Kejriwal for nominating N. D. Gupta and Sushil Gupta. Vishwas mocked the AAP volunteers and said they finally chose the great revolutionaries they always wanted.

The elections for the three Rajya Sabha members from Delhi will be held on the 16th of January. The term for the Congress politicians Dr. Karan Singh, Janardan Dwivedi and Parvez Hashmi occupying the RS seats will end on the 27th of January. At present, AAP has a majority of 66 members in the 70 member Delhi Assembly.