At least 30 people died and over 1,300 injured in spiralling violence in Jammu and Kashmir following the death of Burhan Wani, a Hizbul Mujahideen militant. Prime Minister Narendra Modi to held meeting on Tuesday to review the volatile situation in the valley.
Death Toll Increases: 30 Died, 1,200 Injured In Kashmir
According to the sources, nine more people including a woman and a teenager, succumbed to their injuries on Monday. Police and the government, however, insisted “only 22” people, including a cop, have died in the four-day unrest.
While 12 men died on Saturday as the violence spiralled, five others succumbed to injuries between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Four others were killed in firing incidents by forces on Sunday. One cop was killed after a violent mob pushed him into a gushing tributary of the Jhelum.

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