Kamal Nath, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh (M.P.,) on the 13th of March, met with Lalji Tandon, the Governor of M.P., to discuss the floor test.

The meeting was organised after the 22 Indian National Congress (INC) Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) resigned from the Party, including 6 ministers.

During the meeting, Kamal Nath and Lalji Tandon discussed the resignation of the MLAs, deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic and other issues too.

Meanwhile, Narmada Prasad Prajapati, the M.P., Assembly Speaker asked 13 MLAs to appear before him on the 13th and the 14th of March.    According to the rule, the MLAs who wish to resign have to first submit their resignation in person to the Assembly Speaker and then need  to appear before the Speaker, following which their resignation would be accepted.

Mr. Prajapati said, “As per the law, those resigning will have to first appear before the Speaker personally, after which only I will look into the available evidences/facts before deciding as per merits of the case.”

The resignation of the MLAs may lead to a crisis for the INC, the leading Government in M.P., as the Party might collapse against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)

As of now, the INC has support of only 99 MLAs, whereas the BJP has a total of 107 MLAs, excluding the 22 MLAs who resigned from the INC.

The  floor test would decide the next ruling government of M.P., which is expected to be held on the 16th of March, ahead of the opening day of the M.P., Budget Session 2020.

However, the final decision regarding the floor test dates would be taken by the Governor and the Assembly Speaker of Madhya Pradesh.

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