Another incident of mob lynching was reported in Palamu region in Jharkhand. A Muslim youth identified as Sajid was hung upside down and beaten brutally by a Hindutva mob, for having an affair with a Hindu girl.

The incident was reported on the 23rd of December, which went viral on the micro blogging site, Twitter. In the video, Sajid was hanging by his feet from a tree, crying and pleading for mercy, as a group of people stood around and recorded the incident. The mob also allegedly cut his hair before hanging him from the tree.

The police were alerted after the video surfaced on the internet.

Notably, the incident was reported a couple of days after the Jharkhand Government passed the Prevention of Mob Violence and Mob Lynching Bill, 2021, in the assembly. The bill was passed on the 21st of December, Tuesday, to provide “effective protection” of constitutional rights and the prevention of mob violence in the state.

As of now, the bill has been sent to the Governor of Jharkhand for approval. If passed, the bill will be a law and Jharkhand would become the fourth State to pass such anti lynching law.

The other states to have a similar law are: West Bengal, Rajasthan and Manipur.

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