In a major relief to the people of Jharkhand, the State Chief Minister Mr. Hemant Soren, on the 29th of December, announced a subsidy on petrol.

Mr. Hemant Soren said that the Jharkhand Government would provide Rs. 25 subsidy to poor ration card holders for petrol usage for two wheelers.  The decision to allow the subsidy was in the view of rising petrol prices, which have hit poor and middle class people in the State.

Mr. Hemant Soren said, “The price of petrol and diesel is increasing continuously due to which people from the poor and middle classes are affected the most.  The Government has decided to give relief of Rs. 25 per litre on petrol for two-wheelers.  The benefit will start from January 26, 2022.”

The Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) took to Twitter and announced, “पेट्रोल-डीजल के मूल्य में लगातार इजाफा हो रहा है, इससे गरीब और मध्यम वर्ग के लोग सबसे अधिक प्रभावित हैं।  इसलिए सरकार ने राज्य स्तर से दुपहिया वाहन के लिए पेट्रोल पर प्रति लीटर ₹25 की राहत देगी, इसका लाभ 26 जनवरी 2022 से मिलना शुरू होगा.”

In addition, the amount of Rs. 25 would be applicable on per litre and the amount would be transferred to the account of ration card holder.  In a month, the subsidy would be available for 10 litre petrol, making the amount close to Rs. 250 in a month.  The amount would be transferred through Direct Bank Transfer (DBT.) 

The Jharkhand Chief Minister said, “The process will begin from January 26 and every poor family will be able to get this amount for 10 litres of petrol per month.”

The new initiative of the Jharkhand Government would be beneficial for families who bought two wheelers, but are unable to use them due to high fuel rates.  However, now from the 26th of January, the users could use petrol and avail Rs. 25 subsidy per litre. 

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