After China’s remarks reminding India to reminisce the 1962 war, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said India of 2017, is completely different from the India 1962. He said India is now technically enhanced and is on par with China.
The Chinese foreign ministry dismissed these remarks and said China is different too and that it will take “all necessary measures” to safeguard their territorial sovereignty.
China has referred to the war of 1962 and said India should learn ‘historic lessons.’ In response to this Jaitley said, “If they are trying to remind us, the situation in 1962 was different and India of 2017 is different.” He added the standoff between India and China on the present day was triggered by Beijing. The standoff started after the Chinese troops entered the Sikking sector and India stood up to them.
Geng Shuang, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said, “He is right in saying that India in 2017 is different from 1962, just like China is also different.” He also referred to the 1890 Sino-British treaty that the two countries entered in the Sikkim sector.
Shuang warned, “I would like the Indian side to respect the 1890 Treaty immediately and pull back the border troops which have crossed into Chinese territory back to the Indian side of the boundary. China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its territorial sovereignty.” He also accused of India using Bhutan as cover up for illegal entry into Doklam. This is the area where Bhutan launched a protest with the Chinese government.
Geng said “In order to cover up the illegal entry of the Indian border troops, to distort the fact and even at the expense of Bhutan’s independence and sovereignty, they try to confuse right from wrong, that is futile.” He added China had “no objection to normal bilateral relations between India and Bhutan but firmly opposed to the Indian side infringing on Chinese territory using Bhutan as an excuse.”
He said, “The Bhutan side does not know previously that the Indian troops entered the Doklam area, which is not in line with what is claimed by the Indian side.”
When asked if any talks are going on between India and China to solve the Sikkim standoff, Geng said, “After the illegal entry of border took place, China has lodged solemn representations at different levels with the Indian side in Delhi and Beijing. The line of diplomatic communication between two sides is open and smooth.”
After the Sikkim Road issue started, things have started going downhill in the India and China relationship.