On the 25th of August, India recorded 60,975 new cases of the Novel Coronavirus taking the tally to 3,167,323.

In the past 24 hours with 848 fatalities taking the total at 58,390

Key updates of COVID-19 figure:

Active cases: 7,04,348

Deaths: 58,390

Cured: 2,404,585

Total cases: 3,167,323

The five most affected states of India by the Novel Coronavirus are Maharashtra (6,93,398,) Tamil Nadu (3,85,352,) Andhra Pradesh (3,45,216,) Karnataka (2,83,665,) and Uttar Pradesh (1,92,000.)

The reason behind the massive number of everyday cases is fast and rapid testing.

According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW,) till date, India tested more than 3.5 crores or 35 million people in India.

The Indian Health Department is following the ‘Test Track Treat’ strategy aggressively and conducting as many as 8 lakh tests in a day.

The MoHFW said, “India has tested more than 3.5 crore people for Covid-19 so far, resolutely following its ‘Test Track Treat’ strategy.'”

For the first time since the infection broke out, India’s share in the week’s fresh global cases rose to 26.2% and death cases share rose to 16.9%.

Meanwhile, globally as many as 23,800,692 people around the world have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 infection.

In addition, more than 16,347,833 have recovered and 816,534 have died so far.

Worldwide, the United States of America (U.S.A.,) is the worst hit country from COVID-19 with 5,914,682 cases, followed by Brazil which has 3,627,217 and India with 3,167,323.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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