Similar to Climate Change Conference COP 26, a conference being held in Glasgow, the United Kingdom, the Indian organisations working for climate change also organised a press conference.

The Earth Centre and Council for Green Revolution organised the virtual press in the context of the COP 26 (Conference of parties) on climate justice and change.

These annual conferences held bring together those that have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an international environmental treaty addressing climate change.

Every UN member state is a signatory for the UNFCCC, as well Palestine, the Cook Islands and Niue, while the Holy See is an observer to the treaty.

In a social media post, the organisation urged people to participate and talk about climate justice and climate change including global warming in India.

The post read, “Good morning friends🌱

In these times of Climate Emergency, Youth are the most crucial stakeholders and our role is going to be the game changer!

Please click on the Zoom/YouTube Icon to join the Session – Youth & Climate Change (2PM, Nov 1st.)

It’s time we all connect and combine for a Sustainable future👍🏽”

The press conference of people, which started at 2:45 P.M., is underway.

The panel which would discuss the matter and climate issue are:

Meanwhile, a global COP 26 conference on climate justice is being held in Glasgow, the U.K. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is attending the event, representing India.

During the conference, which is scheduled to continue till the 12th of November, 2021, the leaders of different nations to discuss various climate related issues.

Representatives from more than 190 countries including world leaders and tens of thousands of negotiators are expected to attend, along with members of the press and observer organisations.

British politician Alok Sharma was named President of COP26 in January of this year, and other members of the cabinet such as Michael Gove and Prime Minister Boris Johnson will attend too.

Government officials are expected to discuss technical issues including carbon credits, funding for countries vulnerable to climate change and nature-based solutions in the first week of the summit. The second week will cover topics including gender, transport and the practical solutions needed to adapt to climate impacts. A full rundown of the presidency programme can be found here with public webcasts available for key meetings and high-level events.

The discussion held during COP 26, an annual meeting to discuss global climate change, is to ensure the future vision of growth and development considering the current climate scenario.

Initially, the event was scheduled till the 19th of November, which was later decided to conclude on the 12th of November.

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