Mr. S. Jaishankar, the External Affairs Minister of India, met with his Chinese Counterpart Mr. Wang Yi, during his Bali visit, to Indonesia.

On the 7th of July, Thursday, Mr. S. Jaishankar took to Twitter and posted an update of his Bali tour.  In the tweet, Mr. S. Jaishankar said, “Began my day in Bali by meeting FM Wang Yi of China.  The discussion lasted one hour.  Focused on specific outstanding issues in our bilateral relationship pertaining to the border situation.  Also spoke about other matters including students and flights.”

According to sources, Mr. S. Jaishankar is in Bali to attend a meeting of the foreign ministers of G20 countries.  The bilateral talks with the Chinese Minister Mr. Wang Yi, was happened on the lines of the foreign minister’s meeting (FMM) 2022, being held in Indonesia, Bali.

It is to be noted, the eastern Ladakh border row was one of the major discussions held between the Indian and the Chinese leader, with a focus on “specific outstanding issues.”

The EAM also reiterated that India-China relationship is best served by observing the three mutuals,  mutual respect, mutual sensitivity and mutual interests.

Meanwhile, Mr. S. Jaishankar is scheduled to return to India, after the Indonesia G20, 2022, which is scheduled to conclude on the 8th of July, Friday.

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