India has now become the most populous country in the world, surpassing the most populated country, China.

As per data released by the United Nations, with an estimated population of 1.4286 billion (142.86 crores,) India has taken the top spot on the UN list of the most populous countries, overtaking China’s population of 1.4257 billion (142.57 crores.)

This is the first time India has claimed the number one position on the UN list since it started collecting population data in 1950.

Conversely, China faces challenges with a declining birth rate and an aging workforce, leading to concerns about its demographic decline. Despite official efforts to boost birth rates in certain regions, China has struggled to reverse the trend.

In contrast, according to UN data, India has a relatively young population, nearly 25 percent under 14. The majority, around 68 percent, falls in the 15 to 64 age group, while 7 percent is above 65.

It’s important to note that India has not conducted a census since 2011, as the once-in-a-decade census to be held in 2021 was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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