On the 21st of May, India reported 1,12,359 cases of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infections.

According to the Union Health Ministry, approximately 5,609 new cases of the Novel Coronavirus were reported during the last 24 hours.  Though the number of cases are increasing day by day, the recovery rate also improved to 40 %  in the State.   As of now, India has  63,624, positive cases, 45,299 recovered cases and 3,435 deceased.

To curb the spread of the virus, India implemented a nationwide lockdown since the 24th of March, which was revised thrice.  On the 18th of May, India entered the 4th phase of the nation wide lockdown.  The 4th lockdown is proposed to end on the 31st of May.

Meanwhile, states which reported a hike in the cases in the last 24 hours are, Maharashtra, the infection cases climbed to 39,297 followed by Tamil Nadu (13,191,) Gujarat with 12,539, Delhi (11,088,) and Rajasthan (6,015.)

Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh crossed 5,000 cases and stood at 5,735 and 5,175 cases of the Novel Coronavirus, respectively.

Other states which reported 4,000 and less than 4,000 cases of COVID-19 infections are: West Bengal (3,103)  and Andhra Pradesh (2,560,) Punjab (2,005,) Telangana (1,661,) Bihar (1,607,) Karnataka (1,462,) Jammu and Kashmir (1,390,) Odisha (1,052,) Haryana (993,) Kerala (667,) Jharkhand (290,) Chandigarh (202,) Assam (189,) Tripura (173,) Uttarakhand (122,) Himachal Pradesh (110)  and Goa (50.)

Meanwhile, Globally, 5,054,322 people have been infected and the death toll now stands at 239,739.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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