India has logged 7,178 new coronavirus infections, while the active cases have dipped after 69 days, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Monday.

The death toll has increased to 5,31,345 with 16 deaths, which includes eight reconciled by Kerala, the data updated at 8 am stated.

The active cases stood at 65,683. The daily positivity rate has been recorded at 9.16 per cent and the weekly positivity rate was pegged at 5.41 per cent.

Meanwhile, Karnataka reported 2330 active covid cases, Kerala 16973 active cases, Maharashtra 6055 active cases, Gujarat 1879 cases, Delhi recorded 5578 cases, Tamil Nadu 3671 active cases; Himachal Pradesh 1495 cases, Haryana 5405 cases, Chhattisgarh 3083 cases, Rajasthan 3780 and Uttar Pradesh 4624 cases so far.

According to epidemiologists, covid cases have been doubling every four to five days. Scientists have said that the XBB.1.16 variant of coronavirus is responsible for the current surge. But in a relief, the infection is supposed to be milder in nature and may not lead to a rise in hospitalisation rate as Indians have likely developed hybrid immunity due to vaccination and natural exposure to the disease. 

The Centre, however, has urged people to wear masks in crowded places and complete their vaccination doses.

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