On the 2nd of July, India crossed 6 lakh cases of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19. 

In the last 24 hours, India once again recorded a hike of 18,522 cases, taking the total to 6,00,032 cases till the 2nd of July. 

As of now, India has 2,26,947 active cases, 3,59,860 cured cases and 17,834 deaths. 

With this, India is on the edge of being the 3rd worst hit COVID-19 nation. 

Currently India is the 4th worst hit nation of the Novel Coronavirus infection.

Other three are the United States of America, Brazil and Russia.

If India records 50,000 more cases, India would cross Russia and become 3rd worst COVID-19 affected nation, leaving Russia behind. 

India’s 50 % cases are registered from Maharashtra, Delhi, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, being the top 4 states or union territory, affected by the Novel Coronavirus.

Maharashtra has 1,80,298 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu (94,049,) Delhi (89, 802) and Gujarat (33,318.)

The other 10 states, which are contributing 90 % of the total cases are: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and Karnataka.

Amid everyday spike in cases, the Central Government announced a few relaxations under Unlock 2.0., which began from the 1st of July and would continue till the 31st of July. 

However, imposed Unlock 2.0., would not be applicable in containment zones.  Containment zones in different states would be under strict guidelines of lockdown. 

Under the Unlock 2.0., schools, colleges and educational.institution would noy be open.

The aforementioned places would be likely to open in the third phase of Unlock, which would be in August.

Large gatherings, social events, metro services, international flights are also yet to begin. 

On the other hand, India successfully, launched its first vaccine named COVAXIN, which is a set for human trials. 

The trials would begin from the 2nd of July and if successful, the first set of vaccine would be given to front line people, fighting Coronavirus. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 1st of July said, doctors, medical staff, police and sanitary staff would get COVID-19 vaccine. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 

Also read: Andhra Pradesh Reports 657 New Cases, Total Crosses 15,000


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