The Indian and Chinese governments conducted the 14th round of military talks between respective officials, on the 12th of January, Wednesday.

Held at the Chushul Moldo border point on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, the meeting was organised to resolve the military stand-off dispute.

The Senior Highest Military Commander Level (SHMCL) talks were held between an Indian delegation led by Lt. Gen Anindya Sengupta, the Commander of the Leh-based 14 Corps and the South Xinjiang Military District Chief Mr. Maj Gen Yang Lin. The major focus of today’s talks was on the disengagement in the Hot Springs area and military stand off at the Actual Line of Control (LAC,) Ladakh.

While the Indian delegation insisted on disengagement, the Chinese counterpart demanded the same from the Indian military.

It is to be noted, the eastern Ladakh border standoff between the Indian and Chinese militaries erupted on the 5th of May 2020, after a violent clash broke out in the Pangong lake areas. After the incident, both sides gradually enhanced their deployment.

Each side currently has around 50,000 to 60,000 troops along the LAC in the sensitive sector.

The 13th round of talks had taken place on October 10 and they ended in a stalemate. After a three months gap, recently the Chinese Military agreed for the 14th round of talks.

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