Sonia Gandhi, the Interim President of the Indian National Congress (INC,) was admitted to a private hospital in Delhi.

Ms. Gandhi was admitted on the 2nd of February at around 7:00 P.M., after she complained of stomach pain.  

According to official reports, Ms. Sonia Gandhi is being treated for general fever, breathing issues and cold.  Rahul Gandhi, the former President of the INC and Sonia Gandhi’s son, as well as his sister, Priyanka Gandhi, were at the hospital.


Sonia Gandhi was suffering from health issues for the past two days.  Due to her health issues, Ms. Gandhi even skipped the Union Budget Session on the 1st of February.

After Ms. Gandhi was admitted to the hospital, a spokesperson of the Sir Gangaram Hospital issued an official statement at 7:00 P.M.  According to the statement, Ms. Gandhi was in the hospital for a routine checkup and tests.

Sonia Gandhi is still at the hospital.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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