At Faizabad, four journalists of The Hindu Newspaper, had to hide in their office to escape the petrol pump men that attacked them. The pump employees tried to burn these journalists alive over a petty issue.

The attackers forced their way into the newspaper office and beat the journalists and other staff members. The Police were called to quell this melee, who came and took the attackers into custody.

The Petrol Pump staff attacked four journalists and tried to burn them alive.

The Petrol Pump staff attacked four journalists and tried to burn them alive.

One of the four injured journalists, Krishna Kant Gupta revealed on Friday, he went to the said petrol station at Faizabad and got Rs.200 worth of petrol filled. After filling he paid the amount in 20 coins of Rs. 10 each. The petrol pump staff refused to take these coins and asked him to pay in paper currency. When Krishna Kant asked the reason for not accepting coins, the staff attacked him.

Krishna Kant said, “Some of my colleagues rushed to the spot. Seeing them, the pump staff poured petrol on us and tried to burn us alive.”

The journalist had to rush to the offices of The Hindu, nearby and take shelter where the petrol pump employees forcibly entered and tried to burn the journalists.

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