The Tamil Nadu Police, on the 23rd of August, declared a high alert in areas of Tamil Nadu, especially Coimbatore, based on intelligence information about the presence of terrorists.

According to the intelligence report, approximately 6 terrorists belonging to the Lashkar e Taiba (LeT) entered Tamil Nadu through Sri Lanka and are planning a bomb blast in the region.

Patrolling forces and security were increased in the State and its capital city, Chennai.

In addition, the Coimbatore Police even released photos of two suspects.

The Commissioner of Police of Chennai said, “Based on the alert, necessary patrolling forces were put in place.”

On the other hand, the Director General of Police (DGP) also ordered storming operations such as lodge checks, vehicle checks and others across Tamil Nadu.

The Police also asked the officers to be on high alert at airports, railway stations and bus stands.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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