Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the President of Sri Lanka, resigned from the President’s Post, officially on the 15th of July, Friday.

The Sri Lankan President, who is currently in Singapore submitted his resignation prior to the Sri Lankan Assembly Speaker Mr. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena.

Although Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa signed the resignation papers on the 13th of July, before leaving for the Maldives, the official announcement regarding the same was made on the 15th of July, Friday.

Mr.Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena said, ” Yes, the resignation has been accepted.  The legal process will follow ..members will be invited tomorrow.”

Furthermore, hours after the official resignation, Mr. Ranil Wickremeshinghe, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, has been administered the oath of office, as the interim president of Sri Lanka.

Mr.  Jayanatha Jayasuria the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, administered the oath to Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe as an acting President.

The new President of Sri Lanka would be announced on the 20th of July.

In Sri Lanka, the citizens gathered at the main business market of the Capital city, Colombo protesting and demanding the resignation of Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the President of Sri Lanka, amid the worst economic crisis on the island.  The united population of 22 million in Sri Lanka, raised their voices, slogans and placards and asked the government officials and the President to quit their posts, as they have damaged the nation.

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