Hyderabad: In a bizarre yet shocking development, search engine giant Google has blundered after its ‘Google Map’ is guiding Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU) and Hyderabad Central University (HCU) under the Key word ‘anti-national’.
The JNU students have been using the tags and slogans like ‘anti-national’ and ‘sedition’ following reports of such activities with in the campus.
Google map shows JNU and HCU as Anti-Nalional
JNU students union President Kanhaiya Kumar has become an hero in the eyes of the students when he started anti-national slogans on February 9 in a campus event.
HCU, Dalit scholar student Rohit Vemula committed suicide on January 17 at the hostel in the Hyderabad University, after which the students started protesting.
Google map shows JNU and HCU ad Anti-National

However, this new faux pas by Google is likely to rattle the peace that finally seemed to have descended on the controversy-laced varsity

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