Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and senior Indian National Congress (INC) Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad launched his own political outfit, Democratic Azad Party.

After being associated with the INC for over five decades (50 years), ended his association with the Congress on the 26th of August.  After launching the party said, “Democratic is for democracy and ‘Azad’ for independence…. The party will be democratic and not autocratic. The power will not remain in one hand.”

Terming other parties in J&K as competitors, and not “enemies”, the former Union minister also unveiled his party’s striped three-coloured flag. He said mustard signified creativity, blue depth of ideas and independence, and white peace. He claimed the “divide” that had been created among various communities in J&K needed to be bridged.

As stated earlier, he said he would not make the restoration of Article 370 an election issue. Addressing the media, he said he wanted to announce his party’s name on the first Navratri. Flanked by several senior J&K leaders who too had resigned from the Congress along with him, Azad said he had received over 1,500 suggestions from across the country, but he chose a name that could be understood by the people of all cultures and religions.

The new party launch of Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad is likely to be a major set back for the Indian National Congress.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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