Mr. Gautam Gambhir, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of Parliament (MP) Gautam Gambhir, received death threats.

On the 24th of November, Mr. Gautam Gambhir received death threats through an email. He claimed the threats to be from ISIS-Kashmir. He reported this matter with the Delhi police and sought police protection.

Mr. Gaurav Arora, the Personal Secretary (PS) to Mr. Gautam Gambhir, wrote a letter to the Telecommunications informing the email. The letter read, “This is further to our telecommunication, we have received an email from ISIS Kashmir on the official email ID of Gautam Gambhir on Tuesday evening. The mail states death threats to the MP and his family. I therefore request you to look into the matter and make adequate security arrangements.”

Shweta Chouhan, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Central District Delhi, said, “Gautam Gambhir has received death threats from ‘ISIS Kashmir’ through e-mail. Security has been beefed up outside Gambhir’s residence.”

The investigation has started and is underway.

As of now, the former cricketer Mr. Gautam Gambhir is at his residence with his family along with tight security.

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