The Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled Economic Survey 2020-21 in the Parliament on January 29, 2021. The survey is generally presented a day before the Union Budget. This year, the survey is being presented earlier because the day-before-budget is a Sunday, the 31st of February.

The real growth rate for FY21 has been taken as -7.7% (MoSPI) in Economic Survey 2020-21 and real growth rate for FY22 is assumed as 11.5 % based on IMF estimates.

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled Economic Survey 2020-21 in Lok Sabha; Real growth rate for FY21 is taken as -7.7% (MoSPI) and real growth rate for FY22 is assumed as 11.5 % based on IMF estimates.

Following the presentation of the Economic Survey in both the houses of the Parliament by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Chief Economic Adviser KV Subramanian addressed a press conference in which he introduced the highlights of the annual survey document.

Chief Economic Advisor KV Subramanian launches Economic Survey – Stringency of #COVID19 lockdown correlates with negative economic growth in same period but with positive growth in future time period.

Economic Survey 2020- 2021: Detailed Analysis & Summary

•The Economic Survey 2020-21 has been dedicated to all the COVID-19 warriors, who have really helped in upholding India.

-Saving Lives and livelihoods

-COVID warriors joined hands to uphold India

-V-shaped economic recovery

-Opportunities outweigh risks

•The cover of the economic survey shows these COVID warriors including the nurses, doctors and scientists who have helped in developing the vaccine in record time and sanitation workers who have come together in the time of adversity to uphold India. The cover also shows v-shaped recovery that has happened in the India economy.

•This year’s economic survey is being delivered in an e-book format. The Finance Ministry has also launched an official Economic Survey app for smooth access to the document.

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