The Mangaluru police registered a first information report (FIR) in the Karnataka Hijab row issue, on the 8th of March, Tuesday.

The three registered FIR came at a time when the Karnataka High Court is yet to announce its verdict on the ban on Hijab in educational institutions case.   N. Shashi Kumar. the Commissioner of Police of Mangaluru said, “Three FIRs have been registered after a confrontation broke out between two groups on Thursday over allowing few girls to appear to appear for the internal examinations wearing hijab.”

According to the police, a girl student registered a case against some students and 15 ABVP members for threatening and hurting her religious sentiments.”  Furthermore, the police said, “The second case has been registered on the complaint of a girl student (against the complainant of the first case) and six other on the charges of threatening and intimidation.  The third FIR is also filed on the complaint of one of the student.”

Notably, the controversy around Hijab in educational institutions came to light recently in Karnataka after some students of Government Girls PU college in the Udupi district started protesting in January against the school administration for allegedly barring them from attending classes.

The cases are being investigated.

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