The farmers of Haryana and Punjab are continuing their protests against the three farm laws. 

The protest which started on the 25th of November 2020, entered the 37th day on the 1st of January 2021.

Thousands of farmers from Haryana and Punjab gathered at Delhi borders to protest against the three farm laws.

Despite 6 rounds of talks with the Central Government, the protests did not stop.

Hundreds of police personnel have been deployed at Singhu, Ghazipur and Tikri border points, where the farmers are camping, even in the minimum 1.1 °Celsius.

Meanwhile, the Samkyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) is likely to meet during the day to discuss its next course of action.

Meanwhile, senior farmers’ leader Gurnam Singh Chaduni said there is no question of withdrawing from the two issues which are a legal guarantee for minimum support price (MSP) and repealing of the farm laws.

Mr. Chaduni said, “The Government has addressed our demands to drop penal provisions against farmers in an ordinance relating to stubble burning and to put on hold a proposed electricity amendment law.” He further added,“But, we want to make it clear that there is no alternative to our two remaining demands which include repeal of the three agriculture laws and legal guarantee for MSP.”

The Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said after the sixth round of talks between Union Ministers and a 41 member representative, accepted two different reasons.

Mr. Tomar said, “Today’s talks were held in a very good environment and it concluded on a positive note. Consensus on two out of four issues was reached between both sides… Considering the chilly weather in Delhi, I have requested the farmer leaders to send home the elderly, women, and children. The next round of talks will be held on January 4 (sic.)”

Rakesh Tikait, spokesperson of Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU,) said, “Issues related to stubble burning and electricity were sorted in today’s meeting. 2 of our main issues still need to be resolved. We will discuss topics related to MSP and repealing of 3 farm laws in the next meeting on January 4.”

The agitation against the three laws started in September, after the Central Government proposed the laws in the Parliament.

The Parliament passed the three laws – The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act 2020 – amid large scale protests from the Opposition and farmer unions.

According to the passed bills, the Minimum Support Price (MSP,) area of trading would be under the purview of the Indian Government

The reason behind the farmers protest is their fear of being at the mercy of corporates or zamindars for crop prices. The new bills would also demolish the Minimum Support Price (MSP) advantages for farmers.

As of now, the Central Government is scheduled to conduct another meeting on the 4th of January.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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