Kuldeep Singh Sengar, an expelled member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was sentenced to a 10 year imprisonment on the 13th of March.

The Tis Hazari Court of Delhi, announced 10 years imprisonment for Kuldeep Singh Sengar with a fine of Rs.10 lakhs.  Kuldeep Singh Sengar is already jailed for raping a minor in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh in 2017. Besides, raping the minor, the convict Kuldeep Singh Sengar was also found guity of killing  Unnao rape survivor’s father. However, Kuldeep Sengar denied his involvement in the Unnao rape survivor’s father’s death.

Sengar has already been jailed for life for raping the Unnao victim in 2017, when she was a minor.

Last week, a Delhi court convicted him and seven others of culpable homicide  instead of murder .

The court  said the evidence presented in the court proved Mr. Sengar and 7 others guilty of killing the father of the  rape survivor.  

Justice Dharmesh Sharma said, “The accused didn’t intend to kill him, but beat him “in a brutal manner that led to his death.”  He further added, “There can be no denying that rule of law was broken. Sengar was a public functionary and had to maintain the rule of law.  The way the crime was committed. It does not call for leniency.”   

Before dying at the hospital in Delhi, the man made a statement  “Atul Singh, the brother of the lawmaker (Kuldeep Singh Sengar) thrashed me.  He kept on beating me. Nobody tried to save me.” He further added, “Police waale (police men — perhaps the security personnel of the lawmaker) were standing there.  They did nothing.”

The video of the  father went viral on social media platforms, months after his death.  

The Delhi Court also ordered the lawmaker and other 7 convicts to give a compensation amount to Rs. 10 lakh each to the victim’s family.   Judge Dharmesh said, “The victim lost her father.  She can’t return to her home.  There are four kids in the family… three of them are girls…all four are minor.”

Meanwhile, the  survivor who recently met with an accident in 2019, is under supervision of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) security.

While other 7 convicts including Kuldeep Singh Sengar’s brother and two police personnel would be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, Mr. Sengar is already serving life term imprisonment for the 2017 Unnao rape case.

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